Free 20 oz mug with a free fill on Wednesdays
Use your mug anytime you order a 16oz draft and get the extra 4oz free!
1/2 Priced Appetizer every first Wednesday
Special Mug Club Party (Exclusively for Mug Club members and their guests)
Refer a friend and get $5 (up to 5 friends)
$400 value for only $85. That is nearly an 80% discount!
Love wine? You can get all of the above benefits with wine instead (6oz pour)
Click the button below to start your mug club journey!
Use your mug anytime you order a 16oz draft and get the extra 4oz free!
1/2 Priced Appetizer every first Wednesday
Special Mug Club Party (Exclusively for Mug Club members and their guests)
Refer a friend and get $5 (up to 5 friends)
$400 value for only $85. That is nearly an 80% discount!
Love wine? You can get all of the above benefits with wine instead (6oz pour)
Click the button below to start your mug club journey!